Personality Plus in the Studio

As a busy pet photographer in Minneapolis, I love it when I can take time to learn something new, especially when it’s from my clients.

During our consultation session, I always ask clients to tell me about their dream photography session.

When I asked Emily and Allie about their dream session, they shared that they envisioned a bright yellow background. for their studio session My style tends toward classic and muted colors- gray, brown, blue. (The colors my wife says are boring….)

So, I went to one of my favorite stores in Minneapolis - West Photo- and bought a honey yellow backdrop. I could see it, but I wasn’t sure I could see it for me. Nevertheless, I work to the satisfaction of my clients.

Guess who was right about the yellow background?

The pets jump off the page! Holy guacamole, I am in love. Allie and Emily gamely went along with my recommendation to use brown as a “safe” and “traditional” option. When we looked at the final images, everybody loved the yellow. Bright colors work great with the energy of this fun loving family.

Sometimes plain is just…. plain. Who knew?


Puppy in my studio!


Summer Garden Dog Portraits