The Studio is Open!

After years of hunting, I have finally found the perfect studio space.

I had a lot of criteria - an easy suburban location with free parking, a space to comfortably review session photos, and a smaller scale studio space where pets and humans feel at home.

I am thrilled to have found studio nirvana.

Located in Minneapolis’ suburb of Hopkins, it’s an easy location to navigate. As a dog and pet photographer, comfort was key for the studio space. This location ticks all of my wish list boxes.

Meet Bokeh, the resident studio helper.

Bokeh is a very cooperative test subject. She sits still and hardly ever gets bored.

I’ve been hard at work already, creating lots of exciting dog and cat portraits. Now that I have indoor space, I can photograph cats as well as dogs. Studio portraits of beloved pets - cats or dogs- are so fun!

Brown furry dog poses for his spring floral portrait ins  Minneapolis studio
Brown and white cat sitting on a bench in a Minneapolis photography studio poses for his portrait.

Welcome Felines


The Benefits of Volunteering