I’ve always loved animals

I’m a farm girl, and a former card carrying 4-H member. On my childhood dairy farm there were always cats, kittens and dogs running amok. I loved watching over them, and playing pretend mom with the mostly tolerant kittens, and making cat toys from baler twine and whatever I could find.

During the summer, I was always preparing something - or some being - for the county fair. When I was young I learned how to lead a calf with a halter, graduating to yearlings and then full grown cows as I grew (sort of) in stature. Thankfully, since our animals were dairy and not beef breeds, none of my animals were sold at the fair auction. I remember watching my fellow 4-H friends sobbing as they parted ways with their summer pets, knowing full well where their beloved pets were headed next. I shudder even now to think of it. That was tough.

For a time, I thought it was cool to exhibit my pet cat Toby at the fair. I have no idea why, really. It was so not anywhere near cool, but then, neither was I! Toby and I had a brief moment in the sun in the early 80’s, when he was duly judged by a cat judge (yes, it’s a thing) and crowned Prince of the Cats at the Trempealeau County Fair.

Lest you think I am making this up to leverage the aforementioned cool factor, I assure you I am not. That’s me, holding Toby in his prince crown and cape. I dug this up from my box of 4-H ephemera. There’s a lot of nerd material in there! I may share more on future blogs.

I’ve gotten contacts, and then regressed to needing cheaters, since this photo was taken. I went to college and got a series of “real” jobs. But passion for animals and photography remain constant, right along with my never cool nerdy ways. Quiet sigh. Pass the library card.


Pets are Family


What to wear for a dog photography session