8 tips for a Successful Dog Photography Session

“Hope is not a plan.” — Anderson Cooper

After photographing a variety of dogs and their human parents, I have observed that a little bit of planning reaps big rewards in the images we create. These images are, after all, the art you’ll hang on your own walls

Two large metal custom printed wall art pieces from professional dog photographer hang on a living room wall in Minneapolis

I am sharing my top 7 tips for a successful professional dog portrait session. If you are DIY’er you can apply these same ideas to your own session.

  1. If you take nothing else from this blog, remember this: have fun! Dogs are who they are, and I expect them to act like the canines they were created to be. That means they won’t do everything perfectly. Some of the best images happen when things don’t go according to plan. Your fur babies look up to you and take their cues from you. If you’re relaxed, they will be too.   

  2. Expect to spend a lot of time in the fields and woods, and on the trails. Comfortable shoes, bug spray and sunscreen are all good ideas.  A small container of water may also be helpful.

  3. Bring a neutral colored leash for each dog we are photographing; and also have them wear a neutral and plain collar as opposed to a harness.

  4. Bring a small bag or backpack - this will be handy when we move from place to place. You can put your phone, keys, wallet and things for your dog in it. Don’t forget the poo bags.

  5. If you are a fur parent to more than one dog, it is helpful but not required to bring another human along, so that we can focus on the dog being photographed and have the helper entertain the other dog.  We will take some photos of the dogs together, and some separately. 

  6. Speaking of fur parents, I  always suggest taking some photos with you and the dogs. I wrote more about why you should do this - click here to read my rant.

  7. What should you wear? See tip #2 above about comfortable shoes. Aside from that, I suggest darker colors and plainer clothes. Logos, patterns and neon colors usually clash with the calm and natural vibe we’re going for.

  8. Bring bribery. As in your dog’s favorite treats and toys. We will use them liberally to convince your fur baby to sit, stay and generally look her cutie pie self.


What to wear for a dog photography session


Why You Should be in photos with your Dog