Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month.
As a person who identifies as a female, it’s another one of those months that leave me torn.
On the one hand, I am glad for the recognition of the ongoing contribution that women have on families, society and the world in general. I know many women who are strong, powerful and whip smart.
On the the other hand, I wish we didn’t need months like January, March and June. Progress toward true equality for all beings is still painfully slow. What are we doing the rest of the year to solve systemic issues and move toward equality?
I don’t have all the answers. I don’t have many answers…. I only know that tolerance is not enough. Inclusion and acceptance are the path forward.
I am taking pause this month to recognize all of the strong women in my life. As a dog photographer, I meet many strong loving dog moms. I know they are fiercely protective of their babies, fur or human. I also know (firsthand) that motherhood is not an easy journey, that not all women were naturally born caretakers, and that gender has nothing to do with the ability to nurture and love unconditionally (or to lead an organization or build a house).
Women can for certain do anything they put their minds to.
So during this month I am taking time to recognize the beautiful, strong and amazing women in my life.
From my beautiful wife, I learned how to love from the depths of my soul and to slow down so I can appreciate the simple things. She is my soul mate, the light of my life and an exquisite gift from the Universe.
Lessons from Mom
From my mom I learned that simple ingredients, prepared well, outshine a restaurant meal any day. And also how to laugh in the face of adversity, and that family is everything.
From my grandmothers I learned the value of hard work and community. And that progress stands on the shoulders of those who came before.
From my former boss Sue, I learned how show up authentically in a professional environment.
From my sister in law, I learned the healing power of good tea, good chocolate and deep conversation.
From my friends, I learned the value of unconditional acceptance and the power of positive energy.
There is no way I would be where I am today - happy, free and healthy - without these amazing women in my life.
Thank you all.